Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Snow day vs. NTI weather day
A snow day means school is closed (no school activities). Snow days will be made up/added to the calendar.
NTI counts as a school day. No days will need to be made up/added to the calendar.
The Fayette County Public Schools district office will announce which type of weather day we will have.
NTI Days
There is no live instruction or “classes” students need to attend via Google Meet.
Each teacher has an NTI link on their Canvas home page with the day’s assignment and their Google Meet link.
Students may work at their own pace to complete their work; however, each teacher will be available via Google Meet from 10:30am - 12:30pm to help or answer questions.
Signing into Google Meet is optional for students.
Students have three days to complete their assignments for credit. (Example: If we have an NTI day on a Monday, work is due on Thursday.)
Students who fail to complete their assignments will be counted as “not participating” which is the equivalent of being absent.
Help Desk: (859) 381-HELP (4357)