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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



Logo Image

Logo Title

DESSA Instructions

For middle & high school students, accessing the Aperture Platform is easy through the Clever Portal. The first time they access Aperture, they will follow steps 1-7 to set-up their account. All future visits to the Aperture portal will require students to follow only steps 1-4.


1) Visit the site  right clicking the link and opening in a new tab or by typing in the web address in a new tab.


2) Select “Log in with Google” from the menu that appears

3) When prompted, enter the access code: SEL53FCE9CE and click submit. 

4) Use your FCPS student login credentials when prompted.


5) Select the Aperture icon (pictured below) to access the platform.





6) If you’ve not logged in to the Aperture platform before, you will then be asked to enter your Student ID. Type in the number that is on your FCPS student ID badge and click submit. You can also find this in the Student Portal for Infinite Campus.

7) On the next screen, select the button next to ‘Clever’ and click on the box to agree. Then click submit.